February 18, 2025

Electric Connections

Informs requirements for New Connections (CWDC/IO) – applicants will inquire on the requirements, fees, and procedures for their connection. Applicants can visit the coop’s Sub-Office, Collection Office, or Main Office for additional information.

Evaluates and accepts applications with complete required documents (CWDC/IO) – the detailed Customer Welfare Desk Coordinator will evaluate the different requirements submitted by the applicant.

Customer Welfare Desk Coordinator verifies records of applicants – CWDC will verify the record of the applicant for possible negative data record from the system of the coop, or as basis for any possible recommendations.

Customer Welfare Desk Coordinator forwards to Service Center Supervisor for review – CWDC will forward all submitted requirements to the Service Center Supervisor for further review and approval.

Service Center Supervisor approves and direct housewiring inspector for validation – once all requirements were fully evaluated approved, the SCS will instruct the Housewiring Inspector to conduct inspection with the applicant’s housewiring based on the detailed Electrical Plan submitted as reference.

Housewiring Inspector prepares and submits reports to Area Operation Manager for approval – after housewiring inspection has been conducted, a written report will be submitted to the Area Operation Manager for approval.

Customer Welfare Desk Coordinator/Service Center Supervisor prepares Service Contract and Turn-On Order Form for applicant’s signing and Pre-Membership Seminar Schedule – Contract of Service and Turn-On Order Form will be prepared by the CWDC or SCS as part of the procedure. Pre-Membership Seminar will follow after this. Its schedule is either Tuesday or Thursday, 8:30AM at the Main Office of ZAMECO II.

Teller/Cashier accepts payment of service fees – after attending the Pre-Membership Seminar, the applicant can now pay Service Fees at the Teller/Cashier. The following Service Fees are as follows:

  • Inspection Fee – Php168.00
  • Tapping Fee – Php168.00
  • Membership Fee – Php5.00
  • Power Bill Deposit – Php1,000.00 (Ordinary Kilowatt Hour Meter)

Php3, 500.00(Heavy Duty Kilowatt Hour Meter)

Customer Welfare Desk Coordinator prepares endorsement for approval by the Service Center

Supervisor – CWDC prepares all pertinent papers of the applicant endorsed to the SCS for finality of approval.

Connection Team Executes Turn-On order (Connection Process) – Members of the Connection Team proceed to the applicant’s location for the Connection of Electric Service.

Connection Team submits accomplishment report to CWDC/Concerned office for data recording – after the tapping; the Connection Team Head submits report to the Customer Welfare Desk Coordinator data recording with ZAMECO II’s system for Billing and Mapping purposes.

CWDC informs ISD for inclusion in the Masterlist – the Customer Welfare Desk Coordinator coordinates with Institutional Services Department Head for the inclusion of the newly tapped individual in the Masterlist of Member-Consumers.